Thursday, March 8, 2012

Aquatic invasive species creeps into Flathead Lake

A reported sighting of Eurasian watermilfoil in Eagle Bend Yacht Harbor waters led to the discovery of large quantities of curleyleaf pondweed in the harbor and waterways that surround it. A survey funded through Lake County, the Flathead Lakers and the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, and led by Eric Hanson of the Flathead Aquatic Invasive Species group found no traces of watermilfoil.

But, Hanson said the survey results showed a different aquatic invasive species, curleyleaf pondweed, has heavily infested (40 percent of the plants) the Eagle Bend harbor and channel. It was also found in patches along the Flathead River bottom leading upstream for a couple of miles, in Fennon Slough and in two places in Flathead Lake—just outside of the harbor in Somers and along a seawall outside of Bigfork.